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PUNASCHA 2021 DURGA PUJA Survey to the community

The PUNASCHA Executive Committee would like your quick and candid feedback. 

The Survey is now closed. Thank you for your response.

2021 Durga Puja Model 

We will try to cover all rituals of Puja while limiting exposure and strictly maintaining local and county guidelines. The model proposed is below while some of this is subject to authorization/permission from the hosting location and county. 


  • Durga Puja Festival will be organized in MGC.

  • Puja will be performed without in person participation in MGC. Attendees can view Puja on TV screens from a tent that will be set up outside MGC building (within the premises).

  • Attendees can offer Anjali in person in front of the idol inside MGC. Anjali will be conducted in batches to minimize the number of people indoors. We will request that attendees wear masks and maintain social distance. Following Anjali, attendees will be given Prasad packet which they have to eat on Tent provided outside.

  • Cooked Lunch packets will be provided. Attendees can eat Prasad and Lunch in the tent.

  • Attendees can perform Boron inside MGC in person. Boron will be conducted in batches to minimize the number of people inside. We request that attendees wear masks and maintain social distance.

  • No other rituals like Sindur Khela and Dhunuchi Nach will take place after Boron.

  • There will be no cultural events during Durga Puja 2021.

Based on your feedback received by September 20th, we will decide
if we can go ahead with the planning as per the model.

*** Thank you for taking the survey. Your opinion counts. 

Remember, we can only move forward with plans based on your input. ***

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